Prosthetic Eye in Turkey

We serve as the Turkey Prosthetic Eye Clinic, which provides services to its patients at international standards with its up-to-date technology and professional staff.

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Turkey's Leading Prosthetic Eye Center

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About Us

Turkey's Leading Prosthetic Eye Center

As a prosthetic eye center, we aim to facilitate the social lives of our patients and help them live as healthy, self-confident and at peace individuals in society.

We aim to provide the best and most accurate service among the places (clinics) that make Prosthetic Eyes.

The first goal of our center is to be a prosthetic eye center that is recognized and makes a difference both at home and abroad with the high-tech products and services we offer. Our Prosthetic Eye Center works in collaboration with prosthetic eye centers abroad and we serve our patients from all over the world.

  • Best Techniques
  • Natural Results
Personalized Prosthetic Eye

According to the eye socket dimensions of the patient who needs an eye prosthesis. They are specially prepared prosthetic eyes. The patient's eye color, eye white, eye blood density, iris size, eyelid opening and symmetry are taken and prepared to be in perfect harmony with the seeing eye. All Inclusive Price 2000 Euro !( Hotel + Transfer + 7/24 Translation Support

Fabricated Prosthetic Eye

It is a type of prosthesis that is prepared in advance with molds in different sizes (small, medium, large) and has limited mobility and is not cosmetically sufficient. Collection of Prosthetic Eye 500 Euro !

Prosthetic Eye in Turkey Explained in 5 Steps

We offer you the best eye prosthetic , with the most personalized experience and support possible. We will support you through every step of the way and give you access to the clinic in Istanbul.

Online Consultation
Flight to Istanbul
Free Vip Transfer
Hotel Accommodation
Prosthetic Eye
All Inclusive Prosthetic Eye Center Turkey Price
Classical FUE
All Inclusive Prosthetic Eye Package
2.000 €
  • 1 nights at 4 star White Monarch Hotel with breakfast
  • Personalized Prosthetic Eye
  • Free transfers between airport, hotel and clinic
  • One Spare Prosthetic Eye
Patients Worldwide
Excellent Reviews
Years of Experience
Expert Consultants
3 Days Schedule
3 Days Schedule
Day 1

Arrive to Istanbul. Our chauffeur will pick you up from the airport and will take you to the clinic.

Day 2

You will be invited to the clinic for delivery of the eye prosthesis. After the trials are completed, you will leave our clinic and be transferred to the airport.

Day 3

You will be able to return to work after just 3 days.

Prosthetic Eye Before After Results
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Prosthetic Eye

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a prosthetic eye and how is it made?

It is used to fill the eye cavity in people who have lost their vision due to various reasons (accident, tumor, eye pressure, etc.) or whose eye socket is empty from birth, to prevent developmental disorders, to protect the open area from external factors, to complete the normal development of the bones around the eye and to make it more aesthetically pleasing. A prosthetic eye is applied to give a good appearance. They are artificial eyes that are fully compatible with the human body, can be moved based on the movement of the eye muscles, and do not undergo breakage, deterioration or deformation due to the raw material.

Does the prosthetic eye move?

The rate of movement in personally produced prosthetic eyes is quite high. If there is no loss of strength in the eye muscles, the prosthesis is designed to fully contact the muscles while the eye socket is measured, and thus the movement in the muscles is reflected in the eye prosthesis to a high extent and movement is provided.

Am I Suitable for a Prosthetic Eye?

Due to their eye structure, every patient who has lost their vision and whose eye socket has been emptied by surgery is suitable for the use of prosthetic eyes.

How often is the prosthetic eye removed and cleaned?

Although cleaning the prosthetic eye depends on the patient's constitution, statistically it is sufficient to remove it once a month and clean it with warm water and baby shampoo.

Can I swim with a Prosthetic Eye?

You can go to the sea, pool, shower and even do sports with your prosthetic eye.

Does the prosthetic eye cause burrs?

There is always a possibility that the prosthetic eye will develop a small amount of burrs. If the prosthesis you use is not suitable for your eye, there is a high probability of burns.

Duration: 2 min. only
Online Eye Analysis